Gwendalyn Webb
Gwendalyn Webb is a Paralegal in the Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence department at Lamb Brooks and is comfortable with she/they pronouns.
Gwendalyn works on a combination of her own caseload as well as supporting one of Lamb Brooks' Partners, Andrew Lowe, on the matters over which he has conduct.
Gwen has a background working on Road Traffic Collision cases, specialising in litigating children’s claims. Gwen now assists Andrew with his caseload of complex and high-value claims ranging from modest soft tissue injury to fatal and catastrophic cases involving brain injury and amputation. Gwen has particular experience with assisting bereaved families achieve compensation as a result of fatal incidents. Gwen is a sympathetic litigator with a keen eye for detail.
Key Specialisms
Incidents at Work | Road Traffic Collisions | Pedestrian Claims | Public Liability | Employers Liability | Trips, Slips & Falls | Clinical Negligence | No Win, No Fee | Compensation Claims | Children’s Claims | Workplace Sexual & Physical Assault & Harrassment
Work Highlights
- Instructed by a Claimant that was unhappy with the solicitors representing them in respect of a claim for compensation following a road traffic collision. The previous solicitor had advised the Claimant to settle their claim for £2,650. We took over conduct of the file and settled the Claimant’s claim for £55,500.
- Successfully defended a small business in respect of a claim by a person for the recognised side effects of a beauty treatment that were listed on the consent form. The claim was defended in its entirety and the small business was not required to pay compensation to the Claimant.
- Assisted with acting on behalf of a bereaved family in respect of a clinical negligence claim for damages for the death of their loved one. The Deceased had been admitted to hospital for straightforward removal of a polyp, but multiple alleged failings resulted in their untimely death. Despite the Defendant denying liability, settlement was achieved for the family.
- Assisted with the successful representation of a Claimant with a history of global developmental delay, learning difficulties and atypical autism against a pharmacy for negligently dispensing incorrect medication. The case involved complex arguments in respect of causation and ultimately the case was won, and compensation was achieved for the Claimant.
- Represented a Claimant that had been turned down by previous firms and his own insurer in respect of a claim for compensation following a road traffic collision. The Claimant had been knocked unconscious by the impact and was unable to recall the mechanism of the collision, so the other driver’s reporting of events was accepted. We took the claim on and won compensation on their behalf.
Gwendalyn Webb

Client Testimonials
“My wife and I dealt with Gwendalyn Webb. May I say Gwendalyn right from the start of our claim was on the ball 100%. I cannot thank her enough for keeping us informed at all stages of our claim. I really don’t think Lamb brooks could improve on representatives like Gwendalyn.” - R
“I have to say that I would definitely recommend Lamb Brooks & Gwen Webb, who handled by case for me. She kept me informed and updated on a frequent basis. Helped me to understand my options and fought my corner in an arena where you feel that you are the underdog. Thank you Gwen for making this unpleasant & difficult situation bearable.” - A
“I received some legal advice from a wonderful paralegal while I was going through a stressful time and she was always there when needed. Extremely responsive and would be on the phone minutes after I had sent an email if I had any questions. Also very knowledgeable and could answer any questions I had clearly and concisely. There’s only one firm I would go back to again if I’m ever in need of a solicitor.” - RG
Outside of Work
Outside of the office, Gwen finds great comfort and enjoyment from being on the board of and volunteering for a mental health charity.
Their hobbies fluctuate regularly but recently they have been enjoying getting back into reading (particularly non-fiction books on psychology and educational content on equality and diversity). Gwen is also working on her fitness and health and enjoys weightlifting and walks.
Loves: Thrifting | Herbal Tea | Cold Weather
Loathes: Mess | Hugs | Novelty Items