Many people have missed out on going abroad over the last couple of years, either due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, travel restrictions or due to issues with flight cancellations and airlines. This of course can be devastating for families and individuals looking forward to getting away.
Those who have finally managed to have a holiday this year, may have found themselves further distressed having had that holiday ruined by catching a sickness bug or by being injured on holiday, putting a stop to their fun in the sun.
We are all very aware of the towering high cost of holidays, particularly outside of the school terms. But when you also factor in the cost of taking annual leave from work, travel to airports, car parking, passports, clothes, excursions, and activities – there is a high cost on missing out, if struck down with injury or illness whilst abroad.

Sickness Bug on Holiday
Travelling abroad does come with some risks and one of those risks is that the food and drink hygiene standards or cleanliness of hotels / resorts might not be up to the UK standards we are used to. When trying different foods or overindulging at the all-inclusive bar, there is a risk of an upset stomach. But when you contact a nasty bug or suffer from food poisoning, your holiday can be halted.
Being confined to your hotel room whilst everyone else enjoys their holiday, or even worse, having your whole travelling party coming down with a nasty stomach bug, can thoroughly spoil your holiday and result in you losing out financially.
If your holiday was a ‘package holiday’ (meaning that the flights and hotel were booked together or as an all-inclusive deal) taken within the last 3 years, then you could be legally entitled to make a claim under the package travel regulations act of 1992.
However, it is vital that you are able to prove that the illness was due to the poor standards or negligence of the hotel, not through any fault of your own.
There are various rules, restrictions, and limitations on claims, so it is worth speaking to an expert first, to establish whether you have a valid claim for compensation. Call our team on 01256 844888 to speak to someone today.
Injury on Holiday
Most of the time people go away on holiday and come back with lovely memories, a healthy tan and perhaps some souvenirs. However, some come back from holiday with a lot more than they bargained for!
Accidents on holiday could include; slips and trips on unsafe flooring, injuries from faulty equipment, sports / leisure accidents, road traffic accidents, burns or drowning accidents.
If you or a family member has suffered an injury whilst away, you may be entitled to compensation, as you would be in the UK.
Providing that you can prove that the accident or injury was caused directly by the negligence of someone else then you can start the process of making a claim. Compensation can help you recoup costs of your spoilt holiday, but can also help get you back on your feet if you have had to miss work, need medical treatment, care or incurred any other expenses due to the injury.
Needing medical care abroad can be incredibly stressful, particularly if the language barrier makes it difficult to get the assistance you so desperately need.
What to do if Sick / Injured Abroad
If you are suffering from an injury or illness whilst on holiday, then it is important to take care of your self first and foremost. If you will be looking into making a claim when you return, then there are a few things you can do whilst away to give your claim the best possible chance of success;
- Make notes. Whilst injured or very sick, it can be difficult to accurately recall information, dates, times etc. Start a diary or make some notes so that you have a clear record to look back on. This should include details of your condition each day and also any information relating to contact with the resort, travel company, insurance, medical professionals etc.
- Take Photographs. Photo evidence can really strengthen a claim and some claims can be impossible to bring if there is no photographic evidence. It might not have been your first thought after a painful accident, but it is worth revisiting the location or asking someone else to go back and take pictures. For example, for a trip or fall, take pictures of the flooring, any uneven surfaces, handrails and signs (or lack of) as well as the surrounding areas where the accident took place. It is also helpful to take pictures of your injuries as they progress.
- Contact your operator / travel agent. Get in touch with the company you booked your holiday with asap so that an issue can be raised. There should be information on who to contact within your booking paperwork or on a notice board at your resort.
- Issue a complaint. To help move things along and create a paper trail, issue a complaint with the resort / hotel / excursion company in writing as well as speaking to someone as soon after the incident took place as possible.
- Take witness statements. If others in the resort have been suffering from sickness or have witnessed your accident, then it can be useful to take their contact information or ask them to kindly write a statement for you.
- Keep documents safe. Ensure that you keep hold of your travel documents, tickets, all receipts, hospital records, prescriptions etc.
Making a Claim for Compensation
It is vital that you act quickly with accident claims abroad. In the UK there is a 3-year time limit in which to make a claim, however other countries will have their own laws and timescales may be shorter.
At Lamb Brooks we take on claims on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis meaning that you will not have to pay out for any legal advice.
To speak to an expert, please call our Personal Injury team on 01256 844888 or email Alternatively, you can complete an enquiry form on our website or speak to our online chat assistant (who is a real person) to receive a call back at a convenient time. Our injury and illness experts will be able to talk through your case and advise you on the next steps in a kind and compassionate manner.