Tips For Moving House During a Heatwave

Parts of the UK are now officially in a heatwave, and whilst we have more cloud around now, temperatures are set to climb to 30C and the air is still very humid.

If you are preparing to move house in the coming weeks or over the Summer, then you may be concerned about how you will do so during very high temperatures.

Moving house at any time can be stressful. There are multiple balls to juggle and numerous people to deal with including your estate agent, lender, solicitor, removal company etc. All whilst you are trying to pack up your old house, keep on top of your finances and prepare for projects in your new home.

If you find yourself moving house during a particularly hot spell, the following 6 tips may help you to keep your cool:


1. Start Preparing Early

Avoid rushing around on moving day in scorching heat by packing up your home in good time. The earlier you start the better. It may feel too soon to start, but there are probably some areas you can focus on first. Start by clearing out sheds, lofts and cupboards then start packing things that you will not need over the coming weeks. Label boxes and start a designated area to keep your boxes out of the way. If you aim to pack up 1 box each evening, you will find that you get through the house quite quickly.


2. Move the Heavy Stuff First

Lifting bulky furniture and heavy boxes in the heat can be exhausting. If you can, move early in the morning and try to unload the heavier items first before the sun reaches its’ hottest. Avoid over-doing it during the hottest part of the day.

3. Keep the House Cool

Get as much air ventilating your home to keep the temperature of the house down. With lots of bodies in and out, lifting and carrying, it can get very humid. Open windows and doors. Set up fans if you have them, particularly in upstairs bedrooms where the heat can rise.


4. Keep Hydrated & Cool

Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid becoming dehydrated. Avoid too many fizzy drinks, alcohol, and caffeine as this can add to your dehydration. If your fridge is out of action, consider making up a cool box with ice and plenty of cold drinks.


5. Dress Cool

Wear breathable, loose clothing to help you stay comfortable. Whilst you may be tempted by flip flops or sliders, these are impractical for lifting and carrying – so opt for a closed in shoe for safety. Lighter colours can help you feel cooler. Fabrics such as cotton, linen or jersey are more breathable.

Moving House,  Buying a New Home, Moving house in heatwave. Read our article by Lamb Brooks Solicitors Basingstoke.

6. Make Arrangements for Children & Pets

If you have young children or pets with you when you move it might be sensible to arrange for someone to look after them for the day. Keeping them cool, safe and entertained whilst you are busy moving can be an additional stress.


7. Pack a Bag of Essentials

After a long, hot, exhausting day of moving house you will probably want to shower off and get into bed. Avoid having to hunt through boxes in the evening by packing an overnight bag with all your essentials. Include towels, a wash bag, a change of clothes, any medication you might need, sun cream, phone chargers etc. this way you can get cleaned up and get a good night’s sleep without having to search through all your boxes.


8. Get Professional Help

Whilst it is an additional cost, hiring a removals company may reduce the stress of moving and help considerably if you happen to be moving in a heatwave. Professionals will help you organise before moving day and will be able to take care of all the heavy lifting. If you cannot book a removals company, ask for help from family or friends to lighten the load.


9. Take Breaks

Avoid overheating or straining yourself by taking regular breaks. Seek some shade, a cool drink and some healthy snacks to give you energy. If you have a cool box, you could pack yourself some ice lollies, cans of drinks or even some flannels to refresh yourself with throughout the day.


10. Be Realistic

Don’t put pressure on yourself to have everything unpacked and in place within the first few days. It is a big task to move house in hot weather and you could give yourself heatstroke or an injury if you try to do too much at once. Take your time, enjoy your new home and make sure you relax with a cool shower and a good night’s sleep.


Moving House - Can We Help?

If you have put your house on the market or are looking to buy your first property, then please get in touch with our Property Law Team who can provide you with a conveyancing estimate.

Call our helpful team on 01256 844888 or email Alternatively, you can give all your property details to our online chat assistant who can arrange for someone to come back to you with a quote.

The contents of this article are for the purposes of general awareness only. They do not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. The law may have changed since this article was published. Readers should not act on the basis of the information included and should take appropriate professional advice upon their own particular circumstances.

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